Small Rembrandt copy (as St Paul) oils on canvas on board
25 x 20 cm
Painting, pastel on paper. A detail from Leonardo da Vinci's 'Madonna of the Rocks' at the National gallery in London.
210 x 100 cm (83 x 39 in)
Painting, Pastel on paper. Copy of Botticelli's 'Mars & Venus'
100 x 250 cm (39 x 99 in)

Painting, oils on canvas. One of Michelangelo's sybils from the Sistine chapel for the waiting room of a doctor's office
Painting, oils on canvas. Girl with
Pearl Earring by Vermeer. This also was painted in glazes- many
translucent layers applied over months gave the canvas an inner
luminosity. I was not commissioned to do this one but inspired by the
photos that came out after the Washington museum restored it
Painting, oils on canvas. Raffaello Sanzio's Madonna & child.
100 cm (39 in) in diameter

2 paintings, pastels on paper. Early Rembrandt, Abraham sacrificing his son & 'Tobit & the Kid'
210 x 100 cm (83 x 39 in)
Painting, oils on canvas. Copy of a painting Rembrandt did of his mother.
200 x 100 cm (79 x 39 in)
Painting, pastel on paper. Rembrandt self-portrait.
150 x 90 cm (59 x 35 in)
Painting, pastel on paper. Rembrandt self portrait at 34
150 x 100 (59 x 39 in)

One of two unusually small copies
(this & the next) for a member of the Swedish government, it is
painted entirely in glazes, layers of translucent paint, which give it
a jewel-like luminosity. A copy of a painting by Sanchez Coello, though
older, he was contemporary to Velsquez; his paintings still sport the
ornate ruffs that were later prohibited by the king & replaced with
the, typically, more demure collar of Velasquez's subjects
This one is by Velasquez & displays the collar mentioned in the caption to the previous painting
Painting, oils on paper. Copy of a self portrait by Van
Eyck. Van Eyck is often cited as the inventor of oil paints because of
his experiments with 'stand oil' a refinement process of linseed oil
that made it dry without cracking & thereafter supplanted egg
tempera because of its delicate transluscent layers that began the
epoch of the seventeenth century Dutch genre painting
160 x 100 cm (63 x 39 in)
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