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My oldest surviving oil painting, a self portrait when I was
25 x 20 cm - 1967
Self portrait, (homage to Courbet) oils on panel
65 x 50 cm - 2009
Self portrait, oils on panel 65 x 50 cm - 2008
Self portrait, oils on canvas
120 x 90 cm - 2001
Self portrait, oils on panel
45 x 45 cm - 2002
Oil on canvas. Self portrait in my studio in Marbella, 100 x 70 cm (37 x 28in) painted with palette knives - 2003
Oils on canvas on board. Self portrait - 1994
Small self-portrait, oils on canvas.
33 x 19 cm
(13 x 8 inches)
- 2008
Self portrait on gold leaf ground on panel 45 x 45 cm - 2004
Oil on canvas. Self portrait in my studio in Chiang Mai, 119 x 79 cm (47 x 31in) - 2007

Oil on canvas. Self portrait
46 x 36 cm (18 in x 14 in) Thailand - 2005
Oil on canvas. Self portrait 2006
70 x 49 cm
(27.5 x 19.5 inches)
- 2006
Oil on panel
60 x 40 cm
(23.5 x 15.75 inches)
- 2007
Self portrait, oil on panel 25 x 21 cm
Oct 2011-Jan 2012
Self portrait sketch, oils on panel 45 x 35 cm
- 2007
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Self portrait May 2009 Oils on panel 50 x 40 cm
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