I have included prices on some of the enlargements of these
murals to give a rough idea of prices in general.

An indoor swimming pool (covered, bottom center) painted on three windowless walls to brighten the room up.
Two details: dog & seagulls

Left wall, beach & orange tree
.Mural of the Grand National
steeplechase on the walls of a sauna room:

In this room, which houses a sauna
& Jacuzzi, I painted a continuous mural around all four walls of
the Grand National steeplechase. Acrylics with a tough waterproof
varnish to survive the humid atmosphere.
On the right, a little table I decorated with a
trompe l'oeil still life including stationary with the homeowner's
horse club logo, drawings of horses by Leonardo & a pencil
.Mural for First Realty Group in

Two large canvases designed to hang
in adjacent niches as one continuous view. Oils on canvas each section
is approximately 2 m tall by 2 & a half wide
.Canaletto mural in Count Berndt
Bagusat's townhouse in Munich:
Detail of the lemon tree & Spanish landscape in the distance

The mural, based on paintings by Canaletto, covers
the four walls of the bathroom. Acrylics, oil paints & an
industrial varnish.
Details: on the left boats & figures on the steps under the tall tower to the left in the big picture above
The gentleman admiring an equestrian statue can be found to the right of the door, behind the big Gondola
Bridge to the left of the Horse statue

Hidden in an alley in the distance, at the right, a man urinates against a wall
This woman walks up behind the equestrian monument
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