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I have included prices on some of the enlargements of these murals to give a rough idea of prices in general.

.Mr Bob Bloombergh's toilet mural:

Three walls of library mural.  Library mural in toilet.

I painted this little powder room (approx 2 x 3 m) with trompe l'oeil bookshelves of faux bois, in an acrylic base & oil finish. Above, three walls pieced together in a single two-dimensional image.
View from the door. The stained glass window was designed & built for the mural by the fine artist Rudy Bellemans. I had a halogen focal light installed outside the window so that whenever the room lights were lit, the leaded glass shone as if with sunlight.

1) 2 details 
2) Detail.  3) 2 details of trompe l'oeil wood.

Some details of the mural: the first on the left are two photographs, above, with Greek plate, the shelf that lies below & to the left of the window. Beneath it, some letters of personal significance to the home's owner as well as a note with the logotype of his club.

Two samples (above & below) of faux bois with painted moulding & drawer handle.

A shot looking above & below a top shelf with books from the Penguin Classics series & a vase holding feathers.

4) 2 details of trompe l'oeil shelves.  5) 2 details of trompe l'oeil shelves.  6) 2 details of trompe l'oeil shelves.

At the top a copy of a beautiful little Russian St George, next to Winnie the Pooh. Below, a variety of details including a Roman statuette, a drawing by Rafael Sanzio & a bullfighting postcard between the books.
Above, art books & an antique postcard advertising Carribean coffee. Below, The Mona Lisa in a perspective I found difficult to emulate (to give it a convincing sense of receding into the depths of the imaginary shelf). At the top of the stack, a book I invented with my girlfriend's name & a likeness done from a photograph of her dancing Flamenco.


Above, a close-up of the shelves at bottom left & threatening to burn the whole illusion down, a painted cigarette burning on the shelf below.


Baron Cristoff Von Pfetten's dining room mural:

Ceiling in the formal dining room.  Detail

The Baron & Barroness Bettina & Cristoff von Pfetten's formal dining room in a beautiful house they built in Marbella, in part with large architectural pieces of carved stone that once belonged to a seventeenth century Dutch cathedral. On the walls, Bettina's collection of antique menus from famous places at times of celebrated events. Above the long table & hanging from the painted sky another bit of Holland's golden age, the chandelier.
Some details added to break up the symmetry of the discreet mural, (meant to open the room up vertically more than draw the eye) a pensive monkey sits in one of the painted stone openings.

Detail 2

Another detail, a lizard warms himself on a stone shelf.


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